Forum: Wanted - anything Bristol car related
26-02-10, 02:26 PM
Replies: 118
Views: 39,502
Forum: Wanted - anything Bristol car related
26-02-10, 02:00 PM
Replies: 118
Views: 39,502
Forum: Wanted - anything Bristol car related
26-02-10, 01:19 PM
Replies: 118
Views: 39,502
Forum: Wanted - anything Bristol car related
26-02-10, 12:00 PM
Replies: 118
Views: 39,502
Critique of the critique
Whilst people have different opinions, I am shocked at how rude and
aggressive a number of individuals are on this forum and this is a regular
occurrence. It doesn't matter whether an individual...
Forum: 6 cyl Bristol cars
17-02-10, 11:20 PM
Replies: 3
Views: 2,144
electric Bristols
---Quote (Originally by californiabristol)---
Bristol started out making electric trams, and the city of Bristol was the
first in the U.K. to have electric trams.
---End Quote---
I thought it was...
Forum: Other topics of interest
12-02-10, 03:17 PM
Replies: 13
Views: 2,707
Microsoft, Apple and Linux
Quote (Kevin Howard)
By the way, if Macs are so damn good, why do they command less than 10% of
the global desktop computer market?
It's the prices Kevin, you can get 2 or 3 average laptops for the...
Forum: 8 & 10 cyl Bristol cars
12-02-10, 01:03 AM
Replies: 50
Views: 17,126
Fair Comparisons
Greg u say 'I wonder just how different that would have been if Bond had
driven a Bristol as Flemming originally wrote'.
I could be wrong so don't shoot me, but didn't Bond actually drive a Bentley...
Forum: Bristol News & Other Bristol Discussion
18-01-10, 01:10 PM
Replies: 34
Views: 15,366
Toby Silverton interview in Octane
Isn't Toby Silverton involved in aircraft parts and not aircraft design? I
also do not see the connection. Even if he owned an aircraft design
company, i'm still not sure what that has to do with...
Forum: Bristol News & Other Bristol Discussion
20-05-09, 10:20 AM
Replies: 1
Views: 2,529
Forum: 8 & 10 cyl Bristol cars
19-05-09, 05:17 PM
Replies: 39
Views: 21,407
Another 412 USA!
Thanks Philippa.
The whitewall tyres and the marker lights are big giveaways for me. It
seems a nice car either way.
Forum: 8 & 10 cyl Bristol cars
19-05-09, 01:30 PM
Replies: 39
Views: 21,407
LHD production numbers
Whitewall tyres, side marker lights and those headlights remind me of an
American specification vehicle. I wonder where it was originally registered
when new?
Forum: 8 & 10 cyl Bristol cars
16-05-09, 05:46 PM
Replies: 39
Views: 21,407
LHD production numbers
On the Bristol Cars website a few months ago, was a nearly new Blenheim 3
for sale in LHD. So they are still adding to the LHD numbers.
Forum: 8 & 10 cyl Bristol cars
13-05-09, 12:00 AM
Replies: 3
Views: 2,936
Forum: 8 & 10 cyl Bristol cars
12-05-09, 05:26 PM
Replies: 3
Views: 2,936
Bristol Fighter Review - Arab News
Here is a link to a review of the Bristol Fighter in the Arab News.§ion=0&article=122030&d=29&m=4&y=2009...
Forum: 8 & 10 cyl Bristol cars
10-05-09, 12:54 AM
Replies: 58
Views: 24,801
412 virtues
I know the big issue with the Camargue was it's price. When it was launched
in 1975 it made the Silver Shadow look cheap by comparison. I think at the
start of the 1980's it cost £83,122 which...
Forum: 8 & 10 cyl Bristol cars
09-05-09, 10:50 PM
Replies: 58
Views: 24,801
412 virtues
There is something I like about the 412.
It is very different to the Bristols both before and after and seems to
create an added attraction because of it. Maybe this is my strange tastes,
Forum: 8 & 10 cyl Bristol cars
09-05-09, 08:26 PM
Replies: 58
Views: 24,801
412 virtues
That's fine Andrew, I was just worried if anybody with grammer issues which
I am sure I do, will feel pressured to the point that they stop posting.
I'm glad you have also noticed that the BBC are...
Forum: 8 & 10 cyl Bristol cars
09-05-09, 08:26 PM
Replies: 58
Views: 24,801
412 virtues
I do understand what you mean Peter. I was just concerned of anyone who has
poor grammar through a poorer education, shouldn't feel bullied to the point
they may feel they shouldn't contribute. ...
Forum: 8 & 10 cyl Bristol cars
09-05-09, 05:10 PM
Replies: 58
Views: 24,801
412 virtues
I think it's also worthwhile remembering that, other people may not have
been as well educated as yourself and deserve to be treated just the same as
everybody else. Petty comments which remind me...
Forum: Bristol News & Other Bristol Discussion
26-04-09, 06:20 PM
Replies: 27
Views: 12,624
A "one-off" Blenheim 4, seen at the AGM
(Quote) - browning l
Interesting. I far prefer the 3. (End Quote)
I think it's all down to personal taste. Whilst i like the Blenheim 3, i do
think it's time for a more radical makeover since it...
Forum: Bristol News & Other Bristol Discussion
26-04-09, 05:45 PM
Replies: 27
Views: 12,624
Blenheim 4
Sorry Richard i stand corrected.
The car is a vast improvement on the Blenheim 3, you must be very proud.
Forum: About this site - BristolCars.Info
26-04-09, 05:35 PM
Replies: 2
Views: 3,633
Forum: Bristol News & Other Bristol Discussion
26-04-09, 04:10 PM
Replies: 27
Views: 12,624
Blenheim 4 Pictures
Looks a lot more modern with the changes, far smoother. Quite an
improvement and when next to a current Blenheim 3, it makes the 3 look so
Forum: Bristol News & Other Bristol Discussion
26-04-09, 03:56 PM
Replies: 27
Views: 12,624
A "one-off" Blenheim 4, seen at the AGM
For some reason my reply didn't appear next to the original email i was
responding to, so i have resent it adding it to that comment.
Original message: (Quote) - Interesting comparison between the...
Forum: Bristol News & Other Bristol Discussion
26-04-09, 02:59 PM
Replies: 27
Views: 12,624