bristol bits wanted
I received this email yesterday. Please address any replies direct to Al. Thanks.
DaveDale. >>Hello Bristol owners, Im emailing to ask if you have a source for gearbox parts in your Bristol 403 cars that should have the same gearbox as my 1958 AC Bristol roadster? I need synchros or otherwise known as "blocker rings" for 2nd, 3rd and 4th gears. My gearbox is a Borg Warner but Im not sure if its a BWCR9 or BWCR12 gearbox. The part number I need is Borg Warner 455500 and I need 3 of them. Can you help or steer me in the right direction for spares? Thanks. Al Isselhard Wolcott, New York USA speedway2742@gmail.com >> |