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Search: Posts Made By: Geoff Dowdle
Forum: 6 cyl Bristol cars 03-09-24, 08:12 PM
Replies: 2
Views: 1,049
Posted By Geoff Dowdle
Kurt, Check your Private Messages on this Forum...

Check your Private Messages on this Forum , I sent you a message about 10 days ago .
Forum: 6 cyl Bristol cars 26-08-24, 08:16 AM
Replies: 8
Views: 842
Posted By Geoff Dowdle
Dezelsky, I have run 185 x 16 Pirelli on 4.5...

I have run 185 x 16 Pirelli on 4.5 inch wide 401 rims on my 400 but find
fitting a 175 taxi tyres, the steering is lighter especially at parking speed .

Some years ago I looked at the...
Forum: 6 cyl Bristol cars 23-08-24, 10:48 PM
Replies: 8
Views: 842
Posted By Geoff Dowdle
Dezelsky, The photos of your 400/112 that I...

The photos of your 400/112 that I have, show it has larger than standard 400 wheels and oversize tyres at 185/80 x 16 . Possibly the rims are 4.5 inch or wider.
If they are 401 - 406...
Forum: For Sale - Cars, Parts & Automobilia (Bristol related only) 15-08-24, 10:19 AM
Replies: 2
Views: 945
Posted By Geoff Dowdle
Kurt , Are the Armstrong shocker for the front...

Kurt ,
Are the Armstrong shocker for the front or rear axle ??

Do they have an eye or pin fixing at top and bottom ?

Your photos could be too large to post on the Forum

Forum: 6 cyl Bristol cars 26-06-24, 10:54 AM
Replies: 7
Views: 1,085
Posted By Geoff Dowdle
Mark mhl420 , All 6 cylinder ring gears have...

Mark mhl420 ,

All 6 cylinder ring gears have 108 teeth
The starter pinion has 9 teeth and it's diameter is approx 29mm

Your starter motor is possibly jamming because the ring gear is worn.

Forum: 6 cyl Bristol cars 22-06-24, 12:37 AM
Replies: 19
Views: 1,629
Posted By Geoff Dowdle
David C, Thanks for the lengths of your old and...

David C,
Thanks for the lengths of your old and new 406 rear shockers.
The Koni yellow shockers are their Sport specification which the Australian agent advised will give a firmer ride than a...
Forum: 6 cyl Bristol cars 18-06-24, 02:56 AM
Replies: 19
Views: 1,629
Posted By Geoff Dowdle
Mike , what are the Koni Model numbers for the...

Mike ,
what are the Koni Model numbers for the front and rear of your 406 .
Do you know the lengths fully extended and fully closed.

Do you still have the old set of shock absorbers that you...
Forum: 6 cyl Bristol cars 14-06-24, 11:58 PM
Replies: 4
Views: 797
Posted By Geoff Dowdle
Gents, I have recently replaced the 40 year old...

I have recently replaced the 40 year old front Spax shockers of my 400/452 (with 403 front suspension) with Koni .
The Australian Koni agent told me that all current Koni are adjustable only...
Forum: 6 cyl Bristol cars 07-04-24, 08:49 PM
Replies: 2
Views: 691
Posted By Geoff Dowdle
David, Here is a Lucas Wiring diagram for the...

Here is a Lucas Wiring diagram for the Bristol 406

Forum: 8 & 10 cyl Bristol cars 05-04-24, 03:50 AM
Replies: 3
Views: 285
Posted By Geoff Dowdle
George, 408/7043 was sold to Perth/Australia...


408/7043 was sold to Perth/Australia c2007 .
A repair/restoration was started but never completed.
In 2015 it was sold at auction to a new owner in South Australia but I have not heard it...
Forum: 8 & 10 cyl Bristol cars 09-03-24, 03:44 AM
Replies: 3
Views: 1,068
Posted By Geoff Dowdle
David C , I might be able to help you , but I...

David C ,
I might be able to help you ,
but I need the chassis number of your 410
Forum: 6 cyl Bristol cars 25-02-24, 09:09 PM
Replies: 3
Views: 971
Posted By Geoff Dowdle
Michael , The original 400 - 403 radiators...

Michael ,
The original 400 - 403 radiators were pressurized to about 2psi .
There is a ball and spring incorporated in the outlet of the overflow pipe .
I have recently fitted a new stronger...
Forum: 6 cyl Bristol cars 30-01-24, 09:51 AM
Replies: 3
Views: 965
Posted By Geoff Dowdle
David C , Your fathers 406 "JTS138" is chassis#...

David C ,
Your fathers 406 "JTS138" is chassis# 406/5226 .

c1970 was serviced by BCL and the owner was D.C.Stone of Tetbury, Glos.

c1990 it was believed to still be in the Dundee Museum .
I don't...
Forum: 6 cyl Bristol cars 19-12-23, 10:57 AM
Replies: 7
Views: 1,453
Posted By Geoff Dowdle
GeoffK, I have never had any experience with...


I have never had any experience with other Taxi tyres, like Michelin, but the Austone work well for general use up to about 80mph which is about the maximum speed I travel at, although...
Forum: 6 cyl Bristol cars 18-12-23, 08:24 PM
Replies: 7
Views: 1,453
Posted By Geoff Dowdle
GeoffK, I have Austone Taxi Tyres (175/80x16 )...


I have Austone Taxi Tyres (175/80x16 ) fitted to both of my 400's that use 4.5 inch wide wheels ex 401 .(Note all 401 - 406 have 4.5 x 16 wheels as standard.)
They were fitted back in about...
Forum: 6 cyl Bristol cars 26-11-23, 03:13 AM
Replies: 21
Views: 8,923
Posted By Geoff Dowdle
John, In the past I posted the following...

In the past I posted the following

"Dominion in Canada had a "L62N"

Davenport - Burgess in UK had a "H024"

These are the only blanks that I know of that will fit without any...
Forum: 6 cyl Bristol cars 09-10-23, 08:59 PM
Replies: 3
Views: 895
Posted By Geoff Dowdle
Ralph, I bought two sets of Wiper arms and...

I bought two sets of Wiper arms and blades from Paul Beck Vintage parts.

From memory I chose longer blades which are easily trimmed to suit the screen .
There are a few different arms...
Forum: 6 cyl Bristol cars 29-09-23, 02:45 AM
Replies: 13
Views: 1,874
Posted By Geoff Dowdle
Mike , A test you can easily do to check the...

Mike ,

A test you can easily do to check the shockers (but not an accurate test , only an indication).
Bounce the car by pressing down in the bumper bars at each corner of the car .
If the body...
Forum: 6 cyl Bristol cars 26-09-23, 09:30 PM
Replies: 13
Views: 1,874
Posted By Geoff Dowdle
Mike , What brand Taxi tyres are currently...

Mike ,
What brand Taxi tyres are currently fitted ?
What shock absorbers are currently fitted ?
What tyre pressure do you use?

Over many years I have used the following tyres on my 400 fitted...
Forum: 6 cyl Bristol cars 25-09-23, 11:35 AM
Replies: 13
Views: 1,874
Posted By Geoff Dowdle
Dougal, Looking through your website and...

Looking through your website and recommendations for various Bristol cars I offer the following comments.

Do you know that the Bristol 400 has 16 inch rims that are only 3.5 inch wide.
Forum: 6 cyl Bristol cars 06-09-23, 09:08 PM
Replies: 1
Views: 922
Posted By Geoff Dowdle
Michael , SU carburettors are a simple and...

Michael ,
SU carburettors are a simple and effective , if the butterfly shafts and bodies are not worn they probably only need a gasket set and setting/checking the float levels during the tuning...
Forum: 6 cyl Bristol cars 26-08-23, 11:59 AM
Replies: 17
Views: 1,769
Posted By Geoff Dowdle
Mike and David , I have front Disc brakes on...

Mike and David ,
I have front Disc brakes on one of my 400 and the other has discs front and rear. These are mostly 406 parts, but with some variations .

I disagree that drum brakes need more...
Forum: 6 cyl Bristol cars 04-08-23, 09:33 AM
Replies: 1
Views: 1,062
Posted By Geoff Dowdle
John, a Bristol 401 was originally fitted with...

a Bristol 401 was originally fitted with three Solex 32BI
with the following specification
Venturi 24mm
Main Jet 110
Air Correction 230
Pilot Jet ...
Forum: 6 cyl Bristol cars 19-07-23, 08:43 AM
Replies: 12
Views: 1,453
Posted By Geoff Dowdle
Hoverjohn , Are you John ?? The head...

Hoverjohn ,
Are you John ??

The head 1905 was originally fitted to 401 chassis 996
The block 1753C was originally fitted to 401 chassis 691

Did you buy these from the Brian May auction...
Forum: 6 cyl Bristol cars 11-07-23, 10:00 PM
Replies: 6
Views: 1,299
Posted By Geoff Dowdle
David , I have a selection of New Old Stock 6...

David ,
I have a selection of New Old Stock 6 cylinder parts from the two Australian Bristol agents and the Arnolt Corporation , plus a variety of used parts .

Included in these are New Old...
Showing results 1 to 25 of 416

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